Our ethos and Green Policy is built on the 2 main pillars; responsible sourcing and ethical design.
We are a responsible brand that exists to make jewelry steeped in not only refined craftsmanship, and quality, but also sustainability.
Responsible Sourcing
At HOD, we endeavor to ensure that a sizable portion ( at least 60%) of the raw materials( metals, semi precious & precious stones ) to be used in the production process are obtained from continental sources, this ensures its identity as a brand with deep roots in Africa.
The intention is to grow a Pan African and responsible supply chain that priorities provenance and traceability , as well as close ties to our source communities. We look forward to achieving this as we evolve with regards to Sustainability .
We constantly look for ways we can reduce our carbon footprint including using packaging from recycled materials thus carbon offsetting each shipment we send, and reusing and recycling everything that we possibly can.
Ethical Design
We seek to create bespoke pieces that are unique to the wearer.
The use of low impact manufacturing techniques of traditional metal smithing, redefines what 'precious' means. These are, in essence: Fair trade principles that is an antidote to the largely prevalent culture of disposable fashion in the global economy.
House of Divinity firmly believes in the role of the business community in helping to achieve The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.